Riding a Horse for the first time

imrana hayat
3 min readSep 25, 2021


One leg on the horseback, my arms around its neck and was never to any circus show .

Photo by Luisa Peter on Unsplash

It was my passion from childhood to ride a horse while holding reins of its bridle, patting and combing mane on its neck mountain,not only this,I used to watch all types of horse stuff on television weather ,it is movie ,any drama series or cartoons . When I turned fifteen, I got to see a beautiful mare at my cousins house,it was so handsome that every one brought into wonder by its flared nostrils,and biting in the air with swinging head move so we wanted to sit on its shining chestnut back . Next morning I heard that it had been being taken to the field for a whole day.

I made a plan for riding alone without any help ,my cousins one by one riding in a very submissive way , waited for my turn while watching its gait from striding to again simple walk . But there was no saddle no stirrup only a thick small folded piece of cloth on its majestic strong back . When all dispersed and left that chestnut beauty alone , I sneaked the reins of its bridle in my hands , luckily it wasn’t high alert or in aggressive mood, placed my foot on a small wall of its fodder box ,settled myself on its back and patted neck slope . It was so exciting that some kind of courage blown into my veins, I pulled the reins, it signaled “I am ready to fly”.

After two minutes exercise ,I started to loosen the grip of reins, now it was galloping with me and my long braided hair, sprinting ,until turned towards outskirts of the fields ,I felt myself, ‘a ran away girl’.

While crossing fields ,noticed a large overloaded bus on the main road so decided to take the turn in forgetfulness , without slowing down but a deep pit ,automatically made it walk through it ,I drifted into some kind of oblivion with a mindset ‘it won’t be back on previous speed’ but my calmness and happiness delved into a little unnerving with its long stride and a sudden furious gallop . It was again on previous pace after coming out of ditch , and made me feel being dragged beside it out of a dream .

I left that useless pair of reins hurriedly to hold its mane and neck slope, my body slipped down a bit in struggle, hanging in the air until my uncle ran forward to help ,he called out some unfamiliar words to have control . My left leg was on its back, arms around the neck and all could see a face drop .

Landed smoothly at the end of that stormy voyage when right foot felt ground underneath, I got better after seven days but still couldn’t sit with bending knees . My teacher laughed and told that ancient kings were used to punish their soldiers, by making them sit on bareback of the horse .

