Prelude to a Dark Space

imrana hayat
5 min readAug 24, 2021


Starry Night through the dark grey sky looking at a silent beach with rocks and encircling black mountains having a boat near water.

Photo by Fausto García-Menéndez on Unsplash

Seeking Solace through imaginary binoculars and staring faraway where I poetically dwell near twinkling stars whilest that Sturgeon Moon a celestial crystal white ball ,slowly fades away into waters after midnight. Fluffy clouds join hands in ice blue sky where little stars play hide and seek to amuse the Jupiter,in a sudden flash of a meteor shower some grim clouds turn on the light haze for rose tinted hues.At once my fantasy bubble got burst by a drizzle and all merge into a voyage in front of my half open eyes ,before sunrise.Gulping down the golden syrup from early dawn to full light then watching it as hourglass with sand that narrates the stories of death ,loss ,plague hardships and woes on every single face.

At every corner in my surroundings, I watch a young girl with tarnished face ,hiding all emotional turmoil in her green Afghan eyes pronouncing a “wide space”. While admiring natural wonders and heritage of African lands I envy them for diamonds ,a splash of chocolate and that aromatic scent from freshly brewed coffee. But as I got glimpse of a black naked starving kid who lives the art of profound loneliness telling a “wide abyss” that stares back at me with mockery. When I see childless couples, they speak through their silence and cold eyes about rapid growth of population around so their place and relationship stories in a given space is a paradox.

Space!never a comfort zone rather a silent invasion to my senses.That causes insecurity for creating new ingenious possibilities.Modern Physics tells through principles ,about matter and forms of energy but chemistry explains how do they interact so creating a space for more space or to fill it ,is a common phenomenon.Distant molecules and gravity make the water flow but ice is solid to stop the flow for maintenance around that area. Huge glaciers awaiting their fall to break into the ocean, naturally it gives rise a fear of being drowned while sleeping peacefully.On the other hand we see desert! a huge river of rebellious sand that is rattling against the walls of civilization to rebuke us for wrong choices, adopting differences , having a shallow shelf displaying individuality only to count ,breathe in,breathe out.

Who can ignore ants, almost regular visitors to my place telling rights of possession law ,nobody is sovereign ,everything is encircled or taken before as a stale apple or even any type of biological waste tell the accounts of invaders.Once in my village during December holidays after dark ,an announcement was made about a lost camel ,then another man informed that the poor animal fell into the deep well ,a mob was trying their best to pull the rope tied to the animal while mirroring the brimming water by using flashlight but third announcement was hilarious, in an attempt to save the camel two brave men were descended into the water to tie the body of camel with a rope, but they wanted to be out of danger before that angry camel because it was biting and threatening them with spitting free mouth so whole night after bearing a number of news through loudspeakers finally before day light ,wounded men and rash camel were back to their place.

Adoring birds for their sound presence is also common but what happens when adoring transform into deeper knowledge and experience. Once a small flock of sparrows found some hideout place outside my house .Every day thay used to make us awake before flying away in the morning, after two months, something unusual happened. We woke up after midnight due to so much noise and chirping that I decided to check on them. Going downstairs first thing I noticed, a baby parrot sitting on window pane, flock was certainly not happy by the new guest near their hideout ,war continued till they all together flew away and left baby parrot behind for a second examiner, I placed bowl of grains and some water in front of it. After Two hours, again I visited the lone baby and tried hard to get him down safely in my hands but in vain. It was stick to one corner without looking at water even ,was so sad that it seemed not ready to trust anyone.Next day there was again noisy environment, birds were alarmed because the little step brother didn’t move an inch from the previous corner. I got the hint ,the baby was attracted to small birds here so now noisy flock was the owner and I their pet in eyes of that little one.Grief was pinching me that it won’t survive without food and family.So after! we did everything to get him down ,in a perplexed mood without meditating much I picked a soft mopping brush and touched the small wings, the baby at once woke up from a stupor and flew away without having any food.

Before specialization in any field the requirements are general. If Rules are everywhere and for everyone restrictions won’t be same.

Ignition is a secret that entice you to follow intuitive plan . Every Institution works like an arbitrary constant in every equation.Inspiring domains endeavoring to reflect through those minds who test their mantle outside on the edge. Kitchen matchbox is a sudden flash image on screen , a visual resource to prove above theory , just watch its outer layers, scrawling on both sides tell a story from frictional moves to an ignition. Matchstick head turns black ,after getting the flame, a life long learning, every matchstick has once a chance to experience that kind of spark.A message to spread, a scientific research, any movement to protect life culture and legacy behind or an inward look to find values.Usually!individuals prefer their home values because of a hierarchy of achievements through familiar ways around their community. Necessities and insecurities all led us to do something with our minds and lives in the form of Consensus documentation and professions ,confirming to all the respective heads but what if you put all used matchsticks in a box again, they won’t look same due to a journey for claiming a special space.

After doing bachelor’s my first priority was to study psychology inspite of not being able to get into the merit list. One day before my admission test I asked Almighty Allah for help in getting admission ,then while dreaming at that night I saw myself standing at the doorstep outside a large room for entry, there was also an exit door ,many large windows on the walls and a big empty table was placed in the middle of the room, two of my fellow students were heading towards the exit successfully in front of me so ,I gathered my spirits to imitate them but as I moved forward ,there was a black bear hiding behind the table to make me frightened ,that sight made me stop at the boundary ,watching my fellows crossing the exit without paying attention to table or any bear there.That time failure worked as a soft mopping brush to make me fly with contentment to a direction where I truly belonged ,that dream made me aware of my strength for “decoding a flame where dark end trolls”.

