Handling Probation Demon at Work Place !

imrana hayat
4 min readAug 25, 2021


After Graduation ,ultimately the best thing ever ‘a passion for hunting work opportunities’ and getting ready to drop ‘couch potato status’ for somebody else.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

Family is going to be much grateful for positive thoughts although some of them still in surprise and seemingly quite ready to make me nervous. Usually in my area where ‘temporarily’!Parenting hold the ‘Green’ banner for ambition,on the first day of starting work, so title of the ‘working lady’ becomes a tiara among siblings and neighborhood friends.

Some of my friends even informed me about the interview procedure when I talked about finding a job.One of my wonderful fellows ,advised me to buy a new sleeping suit because as a candidate ,among many new faces ,it was important to tell my concern for work ,by not wasting time in changing the dress early in the morning and so called makeover.

Time gradually passes and I find myself sitting in a office trying to convince my principal about the reason for being late on my first day at school.My work place behaves rudely by rejecting all the lessons learned in previous era ,but again telling you temporarily.

I stood happily and felt myself more focused in front of, fifth standard group for delivering a valuable insight about nervous system but a little boy raised the hand to ask a question after the lesson, “Ma’am why are you shivering”?I checked the notes and question was not much related to the topic.

The first lesson that committed suicide in my hands after one month was ‘be a proud workaholic’. Actually one day, I was having a headache so loosing temperament was inevitable, a girl from fourth grade came towards my rostrum and enquired about class tests schedule but there was a grim silence on my side as a new ‘hardworking deva’ she waited until I desperately yelled at that poor girl ,about my severe pain while rebuking her. Next day I was called in the office, her mother impatiently and angrily waiting for me to ask about my health in front of administrative staff,certainly it made me aware of the difference between a doctor and a eight years old girl.

The next lesson of taking rest ,in free time was snatched from me by a senior staff member ,after five weeks there, one day during my free time when nobody was allowed to be free ,sitting leisurely ,having brunch and smiling alone for no reason, I was interrupted by a senior colleague and she asked the reason behind that rare free time. The very next day, principal reviewed my time table again and told me to ‘stay busy or pretend to be busy’.

Third lesson was against spending money without any reason. After two months, a new admission appeared in third standard, I was told by his father that boy was very sensitive and disturbed because of unfamiliar environment so it was my duty to make him feel better. After two weeks ,boy was happily settled down but one day ,while packing his things, he asked ‘Ma’am! Why don’t you wear new dresses with vibrant colors and a dark shade on lipse? That question made me embarrassed first but at the same time gave me a motivation to change myself so, I bought my first dark chocolate brown lip pencil and a dark maroon dress.Again my principal invited me to talk about different colors and their impact on kids so pink ,ice blue,white and different shades of beige ,declared as more peaceful.

Day by Day work becomes part of life until a new situation say ‘stop’ and think.

After three months at my work place, I started to feel myself a punctual and professional teacher but ,one day something unusual happened. While writing on white board ,I noticed a naughty boy who was running from one corner to another ,just to tell me about my wrong choice of becoming his teacher. I didn’t want to be harsh so ,grabbed his arm to make him sit properly and then in a fret of anger ,I roughly tore up the page from his notebook ,next day I was again made to sit in the office ,where a mother ,having poor nerves trying to ask me ‘if a teacher does it then how can I stop my son from spoiling the notebook’.I was ashamed of my rash behavior and principal rebuked me by saying ,next time ‘don’t tear up the half page, do it without leaving any proof behind’.

After four months ,finally my probation time period came to an end but as expected ,something happened again. Four months were not easy so ,that day I didn’t want to be disciplined or cautious any more, third grade group became excited and circled around my small chair ,for listening about my late pet cat and a black goat. While talking, I noticed an old man who came into my classroom for checking light bulbs and switch boards ,apparently it wasn’t looking harmful but all the kids ran towards their chairs and through sign language told me to open the book. Next day I was called by the principal to talk about disciplinary issues with deep concern,expressed by the school owner.

